Foreign reporting in Kurdish media
After years of isolation, the Kurdish society is opening up to the outside world. Investers and traders come in, leaders of foreign countries come to visit. This should have its results for the media. For Kurdish reporters to get more experience on reporting on foreign issues, IMCK organised a three day training course in Sulaymaniya, starting on December 19, 2010. Trainers are Wendelmoet Boersema, former chief of the foreign desk of Trouw newspaper and former correspondent in Moscow, and Judit Neurink, senior trainer for IMCK and correspondent in Iraq for Trouw newspaper. Twelve reporters from different (party, semi-independent and independent) media in Sulaymaniya participated in the workshop, which took place at the conference room of Aso newspaper, as the IMCK trainingroom was occupied. The workshop covered issues like how to choose news items on foreign subjects for your media outlet, how to give the news a Kurdish link, how to find sources for stories outside Kurdistan and how to...