
Showing posts from November, 2010

Online journalism for Media bo Khalk students

Dutch trainer Marco Visser started on November 28 a 5-day online journalism training for the students of Media bo Khalk. Marco will teach the students how to tell stories on the web by using text, hyperlinks, graphics, photos and other online tools. Hasan Salah, student of the first media bo Khalk, is assisting in the training.

Internet for starters in Media bo Khalk

The 26 students of Media bo Khalk, the post graduate training of IMCK in Erbil, started their first training by a trainer from outside. Awene webdesigner and IMCK co-trainer Sardasht Aziz teaches them three days on the basics of internet. What is internet, how does it work, what can you use it for, how to email, how to use google, etc He is being assisted by Hassan Salah, a former student of last year´s Media bo Khalk.

Opening Media bo Khalk

Arabic and Kurdish songs, speeches, a short film and a short play featured at the official opening of the post graduate course in journalism by IMCK, Media bo Khalk/Media for People/Al Ilam al-Nas on November 14, 2010 in Erbil. The opening was committed by Nawzad Hadi, the governor of Erbil. He spoke of the importance of the capital of Kurdistan, and of good training for journalists. ,,We have learned that military rule on people is not successful and try to keep away from that. The role of the media as a fourth power is an important one to improve.´´ Dale Prince spoke for the Regional Reconstruction Team of the US Embassy about press freedom. ,,Prosperity without freedom is just another form of poverty´´, he quoted US president Obama. IMCK director Judit Neurink spoke about the task the new students have in front of them: to become professional journalists and play a role in helping Iraqs development into a democracy. Some of the students of this second version of Media bo Khalk, whic...

Media bo Khalk starts

IMCK´s post graduate in journalism Media for People (Media bo Khalk, Al Ilam al-Nas) started on November 2nd in Erbil. In the new IMCK building in the centre of Kurdistans capital, graduates from all over Iraq gathered for their first day of the 8 month training to become professional journalists. Trainers Khidher Domle, Ako Muhammed and Salam Ibrahim will together train the whole group of 30 students in the first month, after which they split up in two groups, on for print, one for TV. International trainers will come in for special subjects and guest lecturers will be in weekly for general knowledge lectures. Project coordinator is Ahmed Jibouri. Half of the participants stay at the IMCK, as they are from outside Erbil. The last two months of the training all participants will be placed as an intern with Iraqi media. The second edition of Media bo Khalk, which is financed with American, Dutch and Kurdish funding will be officially opened with a ceremony to be held in Erbil at the Hot...