STORYMAKER journalists celebrate the end of their training

The second group of  17 journalists from all over Iraq completed their training today with IMCK.
Trainers Khalid  Suleiman, Munaf Ghanim and Ahmed Jobori worked with the journalists for the past five days helping film and edit reports, make photo stories and audio reports on the Storymaker App.

Mustafa Al Ani coordinated the workshop and joined the trainers to instruct on filming and editing techniques.
The App was developed by IMCK’s Dutch partners Free Press Unlimited with a Californian  group of software programmers and is a response to the Arab Spring of 2011.  With the smart phone App journalists can report from their mobile phones and securely upload their stories.  This gives great flexibility to  report in areas of conflict, in difficult situations and also in everyday news gathering.

Photographer Kamaran Najim, Head of Metrography, Iraq’s first photo agency,  inspired the journalists to take  creative photos and make good photos stories.

At the closing ceremony Director of IMCK, Julia Shaw  said that this was the beginning of the journalists' relationship with IMCK.  ‘We are looking forward to publishing on our website the best stories from this enthusiastic and highly motivated group of journalists.’

As this second group leave to return to all areas of Iraq,  including  Baghdad, Basrah, and Kirkuk, the final group of journalists arrive in Sulaymaniya to begin their training workshop on Sunday.


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