IMCK and Statt run a series of workshops on Illegal migration from
Iraq and the effects on the families
left behind.
50 thousand Iraqis have been refused asylum in Europe with nearly 13
thousand Iraqis applying for asylum in 2012
in the EU (UNHCR data).
IMCK trains journalists to practice responsible, ethical journalism and to
broaden their news agenda to write about a broader range of topics. There will be a prizes for the best stories
produced from the workshops.
In the first series of workshops,
ended today, participants came
from Sulaymaniya, Chomchomal, Ranyia, Qaladzia, Arbat and
Saed Sardq.
The workshops are supported by Statt Consulting who provides an expert trainer to
give information about illegal migration.
IMCK social media trainer teaches the participants how to use the
internet and social media for news
sources and IMCK lead journalist trainer Khallid Suleiman works with the
journalists on how to make interesting stories on the subject of illegal