Police and media, how to work together

IMCK director Judit Neurink and coordinator Saman Penjwini briefed officers of the Erbil police about how to work with media. The briefing was integrated in a two week course by two trainers of the French gendarme, as part of the EUJust Lex Iraq program (the European Union Integrated Rule of Law Mission in Iraq). It rook place in the College of Police in Erbil, on October 14, 2012.

During the briefing for some 15 officers from different police departments in Erbil Neurink talked about the rights journalists have under the Kurdistan Press Law, to gather information, and that the law also protects them against violence. She talked about the roles journalists and police both play in a democracy.

IMCK regularly conducts these briefings for police and Assaish as part of their training programs.


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