Support IMCK and media in Iraq

The Independent Media Centre in Kurdistan (IMCK) celebrates its fourth anniversary this year. In these four years IMCK has worked hard to professionalize the media sector in Iraq. Our mission: to bring about a professional media-sector that is capable of giving voice to the Iraqi people and providing them with truthful information.


Since its foundation IMCK has continually been training professionals in all main media sectors (such as TV, Radio, Press and Internet) on almost every imaginable subject, ranging from editing training for TV-items to trainings on how to report on national heritage and natural resources, such as oil and gas. Returning every year are trainings on the basics of journalism, photography and on the reporting on people.

Besides trainings and workshops, IMCK has set-up a post-graduate course in journalism for young Iraqis called Media bo Khalk (Media for People). The course is unique in its kind: Media bo Khalk teaches its students from all over Iraq the practical skills needed to work as a journalist and most of the ex-studens are working in the media field. IMCK also set up the first independent local news website in Kirkuk province, Kirkuk Now. is after barely one year in existence already the main source for all news and backgrounds related to the Kirkuk area.

IMCK wants to continue her good work and successful project in the future. While funding to Iraq is slowing down mainly because of the economic crisis and the developments after the Arab Spring in the Middle East, IMCK is forced to look for donations.

Support IMCK in its goal to strengthen media in Iraq. Always refer to IMCK when making a donation. We thank you for your help.

For international donations
Refer to Independent Media Centre in Kurdistan (IMCK)
Account No. 7676 
IBAN-code: NL92 INGB 0000 0076 76
Voor Nederlandse donateurs: 
onder vermelding van IMCK op giro 7676


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