Returnees learn to film their lives

IMCK's trainers in camera and editing, Beshad Anwar and Mustafa Qais started on Saturday June 2, 2012 in Erbil with a special workshop in the history of the mediacentre. They had the least participants ever in a workshop by IMCK.

The workshop is meant for three Kurdish returnees, who will learn how to make a little movie about their present lives in Kurdistan. They are supplied with a handycam, and learn how to shoot good images and how to make a scenario.

The training is financed and initiated by IOM, the International Organisation for Migration, in Erbil.

After same days of training on the camera, trainer Salar Sultan will teach them how to make a scenario, after which they can take the camera home to start making the movie. The images will then be edited with help of the IMCK trainers.

See our Facebook for more pictures.


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