IMCK in Basrah

30 April 2012. IMCK-director Judit Neurink paid a two day visit to Basrah, the south of Iraq. The goal of the trip was two sided.

The Royal Dutch Shell company invited IMCK for a meeting together with fifteen journalists and experts of Shell. The oil-company gave presentations on the history of Shell in Iraq, the different contracts that have been signed, the environment, and on the relationship between the company and the consumer.

The other reason is that IMCK is talking with Shell about a future cooperation. Together with Shell, IMCK wants to improve the knowledge of journalists in Iraq on oil and gas. Previously, IMCK gave workshops in Erbil on natural resources to journalists. The participants published stories on the website Iraqi Treasures.

The media in Iraq are developing slowly and journalists do not cover all subjects that are important for people in a developing democracy. One of these subjects are oil and gas. For an oil rich country like Iraq, oil is hardly a subject in the media, and the same goes for gas. Therefore IMCK, together with Shell, wants to stimulate journalists to think and report about them in a more creative way that will better inform the Iraqi public.

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