
The first independent news website for Kirkuk,, was officially launched on April 14, 2011. During a press conference in Sulaymaniya, IMCK senior trainer Khidher Domle spoke about 'a dream come true'. Leading consultant of Kirkuk Now is Shwan Mohammed; he spoke of a website that creates a bridge for all Kirkukis.

IMCK director Judit Neurink called the website 'from Kirkukis, for Kirkukis', as they will be invited to react, give their news and send their pictures. Pictures which show 'Kirkuk as you see it' will be placed on the website, next to news from the city and concerning the city.

Kirkuk Now is published in Kurdish, Arabic, Turkmen and English, to provide all people in Kirkuk with the same information. The setting up of the site is possible thanks to funding by the Dutch ngo Hivos, the Belgian and the British government.

For Kirkuk, the launch of the site will take place on April 16, 2011.


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