Opening Media bo Khalk

Arabic and Kurdish songs, speeches, a short film and a short play featured at the official opening of the post graduate course in journalism by IMCK, Media bo Khalk/Media for People/Al Ilam al-Nas on November 14, 2010 in Erbil.

The opening was committed by Nawzad Hadi, the governor of Erbil. He spoke of the importance of the capital of Kurdistan, and of good training for journalists. ,,We have learned that military rule on people is not successful and try to keep away from that. The role of the media as a fourth power is an important one to improve.´´

Dale Prince spoke for the Regional Reconstruction Team of the US Embassy about press freedom. ,,Prosperity without freedom is just another form of poverty´´, he quoted US president Obama. IMCK director Judit Neurink spoke about the task the new students have in front of them: to become professional journalists and play a role in helping Iraqs development into a democracy.

Some of the students of this second version of Media bo Khalk, which informally started two weeks before, sang two songs to show the union between students from Arab and Kurdish background. A short sketch about a teahouse did the same.

In a related ceremony, two well known Kurdish journalists and board members of IMCK, opened the new building which houses the training rooms, office and dormitory for Media bo Khalk. Asos Hardi and Kawa Mohammed spoke to the students about their future role and the importance of good journalism in a society.

Media bo Khalk now has 26 students, and still has room for four more. Applicants have to come forward before November 21.


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